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E M D R  R E S O U R C E S 
F O R  T H E R A P I S T S

A lot of the time, EMDR basic training can feel like drinking out of a firehose. The plethora of information that we are trying to integrate into our memory feels like it will never stick. EMDR feels overwhelming, almost like the Mount Everest of therapeutic techniques. We want to help our clients, and provide them with the best possible treatment, but using EMDR can feel really daunting. This was certainly the case for me. 


Right after my basic training (the following week), I signed up for Kambria Evan’s The Lesson Plan. It was one of the best things I have ever done for myself and my practice. It broke down the big ball of wax that is EMDR therapy in a way that was digestible. Immediately following that, I purchased the “You Always Have a Resource” workbook, which has been instrumental for my clients.


These resources have been precious to me, and I wanted to be able to share them with you, fellow colleagues, to help you feel more confident in giving your clients the best support and help that you can. Below, you will find the links to Kambria Evan’s resources, which I highly recommend:




The Lesson Plan


You Always Have a Resource (PDF & White Label Workbook)


You Always Have a Resource (PDF only)


The Intensive Design Kit (Basic)


The Intensive Design Kit w/ Client Workbook (Standard)


The Practice Design Kit


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