G e t t i n g S t a r t e d
First and foremost, I approach EMDR therapy as a collaborative partnership where you are in the driver's seat, and I'm just the GPS. You have control over where we go, when we go, when we stop, when we break. I only provide the navigation.
What would EMDR look like with me as your therapist:
We would start with a pre-consultation interview to assess for candidacy, followed by a thorough history intake, which will help us start targeting unpleasant beliefs, distressing images, body sensations and/or emotions from which you might be seeking relief. This can take multiple sessions. You can find out more about the different stages of the EMDR process here.
Following our initial consultation, you will be given two PDF documents:
1. A personalized EMDR Client Guide & Journal, where you can learn more about the process, and have some space to journal and log things like triggers.
2. An EMDR Workbook, which will allow you to work on your treatment goals before, during and after our sessions.
Neither document is mandatory, however they are encouraged as they can help with the process.
Once we have decided together to move forward with EMDR, we will work together to come up with a customized treatment program with targeted treatment goals.
Full transparency is assured from the get-go and for the full duration of the treatment plan. We will also have a post-treatment interview to assess and support your adaption to positive changes from treatment.
Ongoing talk therapy is always available if needed - EMDR does not exclude you from that. EMDR & talk therapy can be done together or separately.
To find out more about EMDR therapy, please feel free to take a look at my list of EMDR FAQs, or to email me directly.